Find your people

Alexander & Karin

One introvert and one extrovert who are both on the mystical path of getting to know, fully accept and embody who we are. We find it to be an iterative process with an unlimited number of redos. Sounds like a simple task but being the biggest version of ourselves can be scary and intimidating, and we are working with that too! 

What’s different about us is that we have a strong focus on tribe. Our evolution requires deep friendships, to meet needs for connection and support but also we need others to give us honest feedback in order to grow. If you’re an olympic runner, you go to high altitudes to train. If you’re interested in spiritual growth, the optimal training ground is deep, long term bonds with others. It’s surprisingly difficult to harmonize with others, own your shadows, co-create healthy relationships, and be someone approachable for feedback. Not to knock seclusion on the mountaintop, but our specific path is HEALING TOGETHER. 

Humor and compassion go a long way in meeting the challenges of being human right now and keeping it real. With over 20 years of facilitation experience, we bring our presence, open hearts, joy and silliness and hold space like we mean it. We are devoted to serving others. Heck, the truth is that we get so much from holding space. We feel more fully alive when we facilitate. We get to express our gifts, and for that we are grateful.

Let’s Connect!

We would be thrilled to connect and explore how we can be of support.

We offer a free 20 minute exploratory phone call.

Text or Call 828-505-6363